A grenade is a small bomb typically thrown by hand.A variety of hand grenades exist, the most common being explosive grenades designed to detonate after impact or after a set amount of time.Grenadiers were originally soldiers who specialized in throwing grenades.
DESIGN:- Various fuses (detonation mechanisms) are used, depending on purpose:
Examples of grenades fitted with impact fuses are the German M1913 and M1915 Diskushandgranate, and any British grenade fitted with the Allways fuse such as the No 69 grenade, No 77 grenade and No 82 grenade (Gammon bomb).
Timed fuse
In a timed fuse grenade, the fuse is ignited on release of the safety lever, and detonation occurs following a timed delay. Timed fuse grenades are generally preferred to hand-thrown percussion grenades because their fusing mechanisms are safer and more robust than those used in percussion grenades. Fuses are frequently fixed, though the Russian UZRGM (Russian: УЗРГМ) fuses are interchangeable and allow the delay to be varied, or replaced by a zero-delay pull fuse. This is potentially dangerous due to the risk of confusion.
Pull fuse
A pull fuse is a zero-delay fuse used in booby traps: the grenade detonates immediately when the striker retaining pin is removed. The pin is typically attached to a tripwire.
Beyond the basic pin-and-lever mechanism, contemporary grenades have safety features. The main ones are the safety clip and the bent end of the safety pin. The safety clip was introduced in the M61 grenade (1960s, Vietnam War), and is also known as the "jungle clip" – this provides a backup for the safety pin, in case it is dislodged, notably by jungle growth. This is particularly important because the safety lever is often used as a carry hook, despite the obvious danger this poses. The bent end of the safety pin increases the force required to remove it, reducing the risk of accidental arming. The 2016 US ET-MP uses a user-settable timed electronic fuze.